Precision Opinion - Back-end of Market Research Platform

Client: Precision Opinion is one of the largest domestic market research data collection firms

Location: Las Vegas, USA

How relationship started: The client came with a request to create time tracking system which is designed to assign employees to projects, track working hours spent on each and run reports on it. After conducting a comprehensive analysis, HebronSoft has identified some shortcomings in the 'Precision on Time' system, revealing a lack of adherence to industry best practices

Challenge: Reverse engineering of existing systems w/o proper documentation. Many technologies were used in the way that was not best practice therefore had to be redesigned

Services: DevOps, Full-stack Engineering

Technologies: AWS Lambda, Kotlin Back-end


  • Stabilized the system to ensure its continued operation without adversely impacting essential business processes
  • Realized system maintenance to guarantee smooth operational processes
  • Conducted a comprehensive analysis, identified some shortcomings in the 'Precision on Time' system
  • Prepared system for further integration and data enrichment

Value of our services:

  • Restored operational stability to key back-end system
  • Removed the gaps and glitches in client engagement with staff which impeded effective marketing research before
  • Created technical documentation that  simplified the system's understanding and maintenance